Thursday, 26 June 2014


he law of association states that; you become exactly like those with whom you spend time. Tell me your personal friend and I can predict with a higher probability your possible end.  Sometimes, friends who are going nowhere want people to go with them, however when you follow a man going nowhere you end up nowhere. Birds of a feathers flock together, therefore friends with similar vision should move together. Great friends are not coincidentally met, they are consciously made.
Sergey Brin met Larry Page when he was assigned to show Larry around campus in Stanford University. Upon the realization and the recognition of a common passion and similar dreams; he made Larry his partner in his Vision. Guess what? This association led to the advent of the most popular search engine of our time, GOOGLE. And to a very large extent, they now are billionaires and most importantly world changers because of the prudent and strategic association. Your Association today has a say in your future destination.
No achievement in life is without the collective efforts, motivation or contribution of our immediate associations.
This law of association was at work when Jesus Christ during the time of his departure from this earth promised not to leave us alone but then he would send us a helper [the Holy Spirit]. In fact he is the greatest association that man can ever have.
John 14:16
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever — AMP

Therefore your immediate associations affect your ultimate position in life. To progress, create association with like-mindedness, people with the same velocity of action, equal or more fervor of devotion and an equivalent fire of determination. Associations like these are called success convoys; Convoys because they will drive along with you on the road to success.
Great associations are not merely chosen; they are carefully created.  You should never leave your association at the mercy of those you associate with; you should decide who you associate with.
 DISASSOCIATE; these individuals are harmful to your dreams. These associations are those who consistently and consciously discourage, disrespect and disregard your potential. Their usual insults and assaults against you can result in abortion; abortion of your dreams.  This year you must disassociate from such people! If they don’t value you, then they don’t deserve your most valuable asset, time.
LIMIT ASSOCIATION; these are neither too harmful nor too helpful to your dreams. These are often the familiar people in your life; family, childhood friends, old school mates, church members and neighbors etc. If familiar people in your life don’t motivate and elevate you to maximize your potentials, or they don’t understand your vision and appreciate your abilities, you must limit your associations with them. Time is too expensive for you to spend it with those who will not help lift you up.
EXPAND ASSOCIATION; there are certain people whom God directed into your life because of your vision. They are helpful to the dreams in your heart. They constructively criticize and complement you there is a surging of energy within to help achieve your dreams. He might even be the man on TV or the book you read; you must give them more of your time.
Association is like a storm, either it destroys your dream or it creates a current for it to soar higher. Your association today matters!                                             

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